PTTEP’s Partner QHSE Audit VIP Group Visit to EDrill-1

September 2, 2015
PTTEP's Partner VIP Group with EDrill-1's Rig Manager, Sid Compton (2nd from right) together with Energy Drilling QHSE Manager, Alex Maroske (4th from left)
PTTEP’s Partner VIP Group with EDrill-1’s Rig Manager, Sid Compton (2nd from right) together with Energy Drilling QHSE Manager, Alex Maroske (4th from left)

Positive vibe from PTTEP’s partner VIP group visit to Rig EDrill-1

“Compliments all around for a very good display of the EDrill-1 to our Partner VIP group last Tuesday. The Rig look very well, the walk around and meetings were excellent. We have received very favorable comments from the visiting group. They were very impressed with what they saw and with the comments/answers to their questions. They have given us a few constructive comments that we will address”

“All in all an excellent job by everyone. We are definitely headed in the right direction. Let’s keep the ‘Continuous Improvement’ motto in our sights. Stay Focused and Work Safely. We are gaining on our goal of becoming one of the best rigs in the Gulf of Thailand.”

PTTEP, Drilling Supt.