CEO visits EDrill-1 and roll out the Safety Buddy Programme

November 16, 2016

Our CEO visited the EDrill-1 on the 14th and 15th of November to roll out the Safety Buddy Programme and to reinforce our focus on HSE for the entire company.

While on board, Mr Chew conducted two separate sessions with the crew to drive home the safety message. He stressed the importance of following diligently our long established procedures of Permit to Work (PTW), Job Safety Analysis (JSA), Stop Work Authority (SWA) and the Four-Point Check.

Presenter raising his hand up infront of a group of people

As an illustration, he shared some of the recent incidents on our rigs and how they could have been avoided if everyone had followed the procedures. His key message was that of the three elements that are involved in any job, i.e. Plant, Processes and People (the 3 Ps), it is always the People that is the most important.

The company can always invest in the best equipment and write the most comprehensive procedures but it is how the crew execute the work that is going to ultimately matter. Our crew must take pride in their work and pay attention to safety.

A close-up shot of a presenter raising his hands up
Video of his presentation available below.
A group photo

The crews were very engaged and energised in the discussions. The concept of the Safety Buddy was easily understood and embraced.

It was enlightening and fun to watch everyone make their personal safety pledge to their safety buddy. (please watch the video below).

Our client PTTEP, was represented by K. Kamolchai (Drilling Operations Manager), K. Meth (Drilling Supervisor) and K. Rod (DSM).

A presenter with a blue collared top on

K. Kamolchai (seen above) gave a short presentation to reinforce PTTEP’s SSHE objective towards achieving Target Zero – where no one gets hurt.

He encouraged everyone to use the SWA and reinforced PTTEP’s commitment to ensuring a safe working environment.

3 presenters with red suits standing infront of a group of people

It was heartening to see everyone come together and make their individual commitment to safety.

A group photo taken at night

Marcus visit ended on a high note where he observed Loi Krathong with everyone onboard.