We are proud to announce that our rig EDrill-1 in the Gulf of Thailand reached a remarkable milestone of 1 year without LTI in September of 2017.
“Please join me and the Board in congratulating rig EDrill-1 and her crew for achieving a 1 year LTI free operations. This important milestone would not have been attained without the commitment of the crew to a safe working culture and the strong visible leadership by the rig management. Safety has to be part of our company’s DNA – it has to be ingrained in the way we behave and the way we work. Well done EDrill-1. You have come a long way and make us proud!”
Message from CEO, Marcus Chew, Energy Drilling
“Our thumbs up to our brothers and sisters at EDrill-1 for their significant achievement. This is a good example of the commitment to exceptional safe culture from Energy Drilling where its improvement plan for the new rig and new crew proven to be working and sustaining. Let’s congratulate rig EDrill-1 and her crew for achieving 1 Year LTI Free. To reach this achievement, the crew has committed to a safe culture, with strong visible leadership from rig management setting the example for all, to ensure everyone goes home, without harm, every day.”
Message from SVP Well Operations Division, Pasuk Eagark, PTTEP